

Welcome to From Bondi to the West End. After a whirlwind 12 months, this is the place where I’m putting pen to paper (or rather hands to keyboard) to document what has been the most exciting, adventurous, challenging and life-changing year I’ve had to date.​

When life threw me a curve ball, it took me around the world.

Hiking boots, mountains and bears…oh my!

Hiking boots, mountains and bears…oh my!

British Colombia is known for its alpine terrain, crystal blue lakes and mind-boggling views. So naturally, I packed a few muesli bars in my backpack, put on my Lululemons and went to strap on my hiking boots. There was just one minor detail, I didn’t (and never had) owned a pair of hiking boots, let alone walked further than a section of the Bondi to Bronte coastal walk. After consulting a few Vancouver locals, I found myself in MEC being fitted for my first pair of boots… I was proud as punch and felt so profesh!

As I was standing at the checkout, the retail assistant politely made small talk about the incredible Canadian wildlife that was right on our doorstep. He casually mentioned the Canadian coyotes, black bears, brown bears, grizzly bears and cougars…I immediately regretted my decision to take up hiking in the BC backcountry as a new hobby!

Moments later I found myself standing at the base of Hollyburn mountain, just a short 45 minutes from our front door in downtown Vancouver, with my new boots and new bear spray. Petrified, I started my first ascend of many to come.

The fresh air, burn in my legs and slight anxiety that Baloo could be around any corner never got old. When I would (finally) reach the top of the climb and take in the untouched beauty of BC, I always stood there in awe and amazement of the natural beauty of my new back yard. We spent most weekends, following trail markers and googling our next hike for the following weekend.

I’m pleased to say that, as I sit back in my apartment in Bondi nearing 18 months on from my first hike, my bear spray remains unused (mind you, many bear sightings were had!)

The snaps below are of some of the spectacular views of the hikes in and around Vancouver including, Eagle bluff, Dog Mountain, Grouse Mountain, Blanca Lake and the skywalk trail to Iceberg Lake.



Downtown Vancouver

Downtown Vancouver