

Welcome to From Bondi to the West End. After a whirlwind 12 months, this is the place where I’m putting pen to paper (or rather hands to keyboard) to document what has been the most exciting, adventurous, challenging and life-changing year I’ve had to date.​

When life threw me a curve ball, it took me around the world.

The Beginning

The Beginning

In 2013 I moved from little ol' Adelaide to the big smoke of Sydney on the hunt for 'my big girl pants'. I wanted to be independent, "successful" and forge a path of my own. Four years later, I had a great job, network and had made Sydney my home. Everything was going to plan.

Then, in the summer of 2017, I met a certain someone. Our first conversation revolved around his imminent move to Vancouver, Canada. 18 months later, I found myself sitting in seat 17D, flight AC 34 from Sydney to Vancouver. I had moved out of my beloved Bondi apartment, quit my job and had my mum on emergency speed dial just in case it all went pear shape.

As I flew nervously away from my life in Sydney, I made a promise to myself, I would take this slight deviation in my life and fill it with adventure, challenge and travel. It was time to step outside of my comfort zone of the Bondi Bubble.

After a life-changing 12 months, I wanted to create a space where I can forever keep and share our adventures. When boarding flight AC 34 never did I imagine how the downtown of Vancouver, the backcountry of BC, the US of A, wild Alaska, the spice markets of Istanbul, the local village of Embulbul and the magical Masai Mara would forever change my outlook on life. 'From Bondi to the West End' is where I want to keep these memories and remind myself to forever be adventurous and curious.

Here we go....

Downtown Vancouver

Downtown Vancouver